Immigration Reform

The Issue:

Immigration Reform


I’m proud to say that I was raised by my amazing immigrant parents. The importance of creating an immigration system that will be fair, effective, and provide a pathway to citizenship hits home to me.

Take Action

“I will never stop fighting for DREAMERs”

DREAMERs are Americans. My CHC colleagues and I met with President Obama and helped him create the executive order that he signed. It continues to protect DREAMERs by delaying deportations of the undocumented parents of children who are citizens or legal residents, protects children brought to the country before January 1, 2020, and advocates for a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented individuals currently working and raising families across our country. I will continue to make sure that everyone in our country is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve and that we keep families together. I will never stop fighting for DREAMERs and the 11 million undocumented people that deserve dignity, respect, and a pathway to citizenship.

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